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Here's How Stress Affects Your Body

Are you stressed out? Stress doesn’t just make you irritable or anxious — it can actually make you sick.

Being under stress can affect every system of your body and significantly increase your chance of serious illness.

At Nu Wave Medical Center in Panama City Beach, Florida, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon can help make sure this doesn’t happen. She can work with you to identify stressors in your life, connect them to your health issues, and find ways to de-stress your life.

What does stress do to your body?

Stress can take a toll on your health by affecting you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Carrying stress can cause the following symptoms and health issues:

If you already have a health issue, you may find that your symptoms are much worse when you are under stress. For example, stress can worsen conditions like high cholesterol, or cause you to have trouble losing weight. For some, the health risks from stress can be more serious due to a pre-existing condition.

Stress and diabetes

In people with diabetes, added stress can inadvertently lead to negative changes in blood glucose levels. People who are stressed may not eat correctly or take their medication regularly, causing blood glucose levels to rise.

You can also experience a worsening of blood sugar levels due to stress hormones in your system. Dr. Sekhon can help you plan how to lower your stress levels and reduce the impact of stress on diabetes.

Stress and high blood pressure

Stress can affect your blood pressure, causing it to rise dangerously — especially if you are already experiencing problems.

Increases in blood pressure related to stress can be almost instantaneous, and then quickly fade, allowing readings to return to normal. But even temporary blood pressure spikes can cause damage to your  blood vessels, heart and kidneys if they happen frequently.

Dr. Sekhon can help patients with high blood pressure minimize stress and its effects on their condition.

If you experience stress and it is affecting your health, contact our office at 850-666-4724 to book an appointment with Dr. Sekhon. She can help you learn how to mitigate stress and its effects on your health.

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