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4 Reasons You’re Struggling to Lose Weight

4 Reasons You’re Struggling to Lose Weight

After many failed diets, losing weight may feel like a losing proposition. Unfortunately, there are some things we do that sabotage our success at being “losers.” Learn more about these and how your doctor can be a winning weight loss partner, here.
Jul 3rd, 2024
How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery

How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery

Urinary incontinence is uncomfortable and embarrassing. Learn about the different types of incontinence and why they happen, as well as an exciting high-tech treatment to relieve your unpleasant symptoms here.
Jun 2nd, 2024
Why Is My Cholesterol High Even Though I Eat Healthy?

Why Is My Cholesterol High Even Though I Eat Healthy?

High cholesterol puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke, and most people can lower their levels with dietary changes and exercise. But what if eating healthier doesn’t help? Learn why this happens and what can help, here.
Apr 2nd, 2024
Should I Lose Weight Before Emsculpt NEO?Ⓡ

Should I Lose Weight Before Emsculpt NEO?Ⓡ

If you’re frustrated by stubborn fatty spots and bumps that refuse to budge no matter how conscious you are of your diet or how much you exercise, there’s an innovative body contouring treatment available for which you may be a candidate. Learn more here.
Feb 2nd, 2024
4 Subtle Signs of Climbing Blood Pressure

4 Subtle Signs of Climbing Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is known as “the silent killer,” but there are actually signs that point to it if you know what to look for. It’s critical to know your blood pressure and to manage it effectively if it’s elevated. Learn more here.
Jan 17th, 2024

Resolve to Get Your Diabetes Under Control this Year

If you live with diabetes, managing it well is critical. If you don’t, you're at risk for a host of worrisome complications. Learn the key steps you can take to manage your diabetes well and lower your risk for these problems, here.
Dec 18th, 2023
How to Enjoy Your Holidays with Weight Loss in Mind

How to Enjoy Your Holidays with Weight Loss in Mind

The holidays are filled with fun and festivities, but they’re not always so good for your waistline. If you’re trying to lose weight or you just don’t want to gain, these tips can help you enjoy the holiday fare without adding pounds. 
Nov 15th, 2023
I’m at Risk for Diabetes: What Should I Do?

I’m at Risk for Diabetes: What Should I Do?

Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic in the United States, and children and younger people are increasingly being diagnosed. Learn how you can prevent a diabetes diagnosis by enacting healthy lifestyle habits, here.
Oct 2nd, 2023
The Best Workouts to Do if You Have High Blood Pressure

The Best Workouts to Do if You Have High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a silent disease because typically there are no symptoms, yet it raises your risk for life-threatening health crises, including stroke and heart attack. Learn how exercise lowers blood pressure, and which workouts are ideal. 
Sep 1st, 2023
Tips for Maximizing Your Calorie Deficit

Tips for Maximizing Your Calorie Deficit

At its most basic, successful weight loss is a numbers game. Learn what a calorie deficit is, how you can use it to your advantage to shed pounds, and more, here.
Aug 4th, 2023
Eat This, not That: Bone Health Edition

Eat This, not That: Bone Health Edition

The brittle bone condition known as osteoporosis puts you at risk for fractures and causes other problematic symptoms. Learn about the important role diet plays in bone health, and what a good-for-your-bones diet looks like, here.
Jun 2nd, 2023
What Your Blood Pressure Numbers Say About Your Health

What Your Blood Pressure Numbers Say About Your Health

Your blood pressure tells your doctor much about your health, especially your risk for a range of serious, sometimes life-threatening conditions. Learn what a healthy reading is, how to lower your blood pressure if necessary, and more, here.
May 1st, 2023
7 Serious Complications of Poorly Controlled Diabetes

7 Serious Complications of Poorly Controlled Diabetes

If not managed well, diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, can lead to diverse and devastating health consequences. Learn about how this disease can impact your health, and how important it is to partner with your doctor to control it.
Apr 2nd, 2023
Who Should Be Tested for STDs and How Often?

Who Should Be Tested for STDs and How Often?

Have you ever wondered if and when you should be tested for a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Learn why it’s important to screen for a wide variety of STDs, what the ramifications are of avoiding screenings, and more, here.
Mar 2nd, 2023
The Danger of Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels

The Danger of Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels

As we recognize National Heart Month, think about whether you’ve had your cholesterol checked lately. Unhealthy cholesterol levels put you at risk for serious conditions, but there are things you can do to improve them with your doctor’s help.
Feb 6th, 2023
How High Blood Pressure Can Affect Your Health

How High Blood Pressure Can Affect Your Health

High blood pressure plagues nearly half of Americans, including half of Flordians. It's a stealthy condition, since it's often symptomless, but it causes diverse, serious health problems. Learn about its many associated complications, here.
Nov 1st, 2022
I’m Embarrassed to Find Out if I Have an STD: Can You Help?

I’m Embarrassed to Find Out if I Have an STD: Can You Help?

Since sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect 20 million people each year, there’s no reason to be nervous about getting tested for them. In fact, it's essential, as is getting proper treatment. Learn more about symptoms, care, and testing here.
Oct 6th, 2022
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?

Diabetes is a scourge that affects over 37 million Americans. Typically diagnosed in adulthood, type 2 diabetes puts you at risk for a host of serious conditions. Learn about steps you can take to get on top of your diabetes sooner rather than later.
Sep 1st, 2022
Foods that Boost Good Cholesterol

Foods that Boost Good Cholesterol

High cholesterol puts you at risk for serious conditions, like stroke and heart disease. It's often necessary to change your diet to improve your "good" and "bad" cholesterol. Read on to learn about what you can eat to raise your good cholesterol.
Jul 1st, 2022
I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Weight loss programs are often attempted, and frequently abandoned. Hitting your goal can be challenging, especially if you’re working on weight loss alone. Your doctor can be an unbeatable ally as you combat unwanted pounds
Mar 1st, 2022
Common STDs and How to Prevent Them

Common STDs and How to Prevent Them

Over 20 million people are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) each year, so it’s something we should all be concerned about. Learn about the most common STDs here, how they’re treated, and how to prevent them.
Feb 1st, 2022
Understanding the Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding the Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a complex condition with many symptoms. There are several forms of it, but the primary ones are type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They share similarities but are quite different. Learn more about the origins, symptoms, and treatments for both.
Jan 1st, 2022
What Is Gout and What Can I Do About It?

What Is Gout and What Can I Do About It?

If you’ve been awakened by severe pain and swelling in your big toe joint in the middle of the night, you probably have gout, an inflammatory arthritis that sufferers have endured for centuries. Learn about symptoms and effective treatments here.
Dec 1st, 2021
Is Your Blood Pressure High?

Is Your Blood Pressure High?

High blood pressure leads to serious health conditions, including stroke and heart attack, but it has no symptoms. Keep reading to learn the importance of regular readings and treatments for high blood pressure.
Nov 1st, 2021
Who Needs an EKG?

Who Needs an EKG?

Medical technology is ever-advancing, and vital in terms of helping your doctor diagnose and treat many conditions. The electrocardiogram, or EKG, can tell your doctor many things. Learn more about the test and who it can help here.
Sep 1st, 2021
What’s the Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol?

What’s the Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol?

Did you know that there’s a good guy and a villain when it comes to your cholesterol reading? Keep reading to learn what cholesterol is, what it does, and how to manage it so you can lower your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
Aug 3rd, 2021

Complications of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is disturbingly common in the United States. Most know that it raises your risk for heart attack and stroke, but are you aware that hypertension contributes to other health complications? Read on to learn more.
Jul 8th, 2021

A Closer Look at Gout

Gout used to be associated with indulging in overeating and drinking with abandon. Now we know that it’s a kind of inflammatory arthritis and that treatments and lifestyle changes can prevent painful flares. Learn more here.
Jun 17th, 2021

The Link Between Weight Loss and Improved Sleep

If you're unable to get a solid night’s rest night after night, your weight may have something to do with it. Excess pounds are linked to several sleep problems and health conditions. Learn more about them and how to finally, safely lose weight.
May 11th, 2021

Is High Cholesterol Really That Bad?

High cholesterol levels put you at higher risk for heart disease and a host of other serious conditions. Learn more about good and bad types of cholesterol, and how you can lower yours if you need to.
Apr 1st, 2021

How Can I Manage Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis can strike virtually any joint, and next thing you know, you’re suffering from pain, swelling, and redness around your joints. Great care for arthritis involves implementing smart strategies and proactive management of the condition. Here's how.
Mar 1st, 2021

5 Benefits of Healthy Weight Loss

Losing weight undeniably makes you look better, but shedding pounds can be a real boon to your health too. Learn about the major health benefits of weight loss here — some may surprise you.
Feb 2nd, 2021

High Blood Pressure Complications and How to Avoid Them

You can go for years living with dangerously elevated blood pressure and be unaware of it. Hypertension puts you at risk for serious health conditions, some life-threatening. Learn how effective management and self-care can lower it here.
Jan 1st, 2021

6 Tips for Managing Your Cholesterol Over the Holidays

The holiday season, with its rich food and drink, can wreak havoc on your cholesterol, which puts you at higher risk for heart disease. Learn what you can do to keep it on an even keel, and still enjoy this time of year.
Dec 18th, 2020

5 Tips to Keep Diabetes at Bay

Diabetes affects two million Floridians, and many more are at high risk for developing it. Diabetes complications are serious, but there are lifestyle practices you can adopt that significantly reduce your chances of being diagnosed. Learn more here.
Nov 2nd, 2020

Your Flu Shot is More Important Than Ever This Year

It’s important to get a flu shot every year, but this year it’s critical because we’re dealing with COVID-19. Keep reading to learn why it’s essential to protect yourself this year, more than any other.
Sep 1st, 2020

The Importance of Having an Annual Physical

Maintaining your health isn’t unlike maintaining your car. Proper preventive care reduces the chances of a breakdown. That's why yearly physicals are so important. Keep reading to learn why you shouldn’t skip your annual physical.
Aug 13th, 2020

Dietary Changes for Managing Gout

Gout impacts over eight million Americans. When ignored, gout can cause permanent joint damage and serious pain. Keep reading to learn how you can manage gout, and reduce your chances of an attack.
Jul 7th, 2020

The Importance of Getting Exercise When You Have Arthritis

Living with arthritis is a challenge, but staying physically active is an absolute must. You might think exercise will bring more pain, but it offers a host of benefits that can greatly ease your discomfort. Keep reading to learn how exercise can alleviate
May 26th, 2020

When to Consider a Medical Weight Loss Program

Frustrated with countless diets and exercise programs that haven’t delivered the weight loss you’re seeking? It may be time to consider a medical weight loss program. Learn how our program can help you achieve your weight goals.
Oct 1st, 2019

Diet Changes That Help Fight High Cholesterol

If you're one of the millions of adults in the United States who are fighting high cholesterol, you know it's important to watch your diet. Read more to learn about changes you can make to your diet to lower your cholesterol and maintain your health.
Sep 1st, 2019

Myths and Facts About Vaccinations

Misinformation about vaccinations creates confusion and threatens public safety. Read on as we debunk some common myths with solid facts to set the record straight about vaccinations.
Aug 1st, 2019

Here's How Stress Affects Your Body

Did you know that stress can cause certain health issues or make an existing condition much worse? Stress-busting could be the best thing you can do for your health!
Jul 1st, 2019

The Link Between Obesity and Diabetes

The link between obesity and diabetes is well established. And with more than 100 million people in the United States dealing with diabetes or prediabetes, the more you know about obesity and diabetes the better.
Jun 1st, 2019

Tips for Maintaining Your Weight Loss Results

We know how hard it is to lose weight and to finally meet your weight loss goal. But, believe it or not, your work isn’t done when you’ve hit that magic number. Learn how to maintain your weight loss results and set yourself up for long-term success with
May 6th, 2019

Why an Annual Physical Is a Great Habit to Keep Up With

You know your car needs periodic adjustments, including oil changes and maintenance. Why would your body be any different? To keep yourself in tiptop operating shape and head off problems at an early stage, get an annual physical.
Mar 4th, 2019
High Blood Pressure, Silent Killer,  Nu Wave Medical Center 

Why High Blood Pressure Is Known as the Silent Killer

You've undoubtedly heard it before, but why is high blood pressure called the "silent killer” anyway? You may be surprised to learn just how silent this assassin is. Find out what you need to know about the leading cause of death in the U.S.
Jan 8th, 2019

Why There is a New Flu Vaccine Every Year

Worried about the dreaded congestion, cough, aches, and fever of the flu? You know a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones, but do you really need to get vaccinated again this year? Yes. You do. Read on to learn why.
Oct 18th, 2018
Foods and Drinks to Limit if You Have High Blood Pressure

Foods and Drinks to Limit if You Have High Blood Pressure

Have you had your blood pressure monitored lately? It’s critical that you do, because elevated blood pressure can lead to stroke and other serious conditions. Learn about how to tweak your diet so you can lower your blood pressure, here.
May 14th, 2024